Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just Imagine.....

A couple months back Princess got a little plastic dolphin from the treasure box at school.  She was very excited about it!  Princess told a classmate all about how she wished she had a REAL dolphin that she could keep in a nearby reservoir and go for rides on.  Her classmate looked at her in mild disgust and proceeded to tell her that it just was NOT possible.  Princess shook her head and said "I know...I'm just using my imagination!".  What happened next shocked and saddened me.  Princess's classmate, in a rather haughty little voice, proclaimed "I NEVER use my imagination".  How sad is that???  This child is FIVE years old and doesn't think it's necessary to use her imagination. 

Can you imagine where mankind would be now if it weren't for imaginations?  Would we have fire, houses, electricity, medicines, books, scientific advances, theater, ANYthing?  I don't think Einstein just woke up one day and pronounced E=MC2!  I think he used his imagination to picture what things might be possible.  Alexander Graham Bell must have imagined being able to talk to someone on the other side of the city instantaneously before inventing the telephone.  Is not curiosity just an extension of imagination?  Without imagination I dare say the world would be an awful place to live! 

I am very grateful that my parents instilled in my siblings and I a very healthy dose of imagination.  They really fostered that curiosity, that will to see things differently.  I love seeing that same will in my own children.  I am so happy that they have a love of using their minds to see things differently and to imagine something different.  Picasso exclaimed the other day that "I have the best imagination EVER!".  Thank goodness for children!  They help keep that imagination alive in us; they help us not take ourselves to seriously.

What have you imagined today?

Busy, Busy

We've got a couple extremely busy weeks!  It started yesterday with a newscast.  My kids school was featured on a local news station for having an amazing science fair!  So my kids were all on the news last night.  They thought it was a blast, though they didn't necessarily love all the waiting around beforehand.  Definitely a lesson in patience!  Steve Spangler did the interview.  He is pretty amazing and really knows how to make science fun.  You should check him out!

We've got our normal weekday craziness going on and then on Friday is Phineas & Ferb!  Seriously cannot wait.  Okay....I CAN, but I don't want to.  We bought an extra ticket for my brother-in-law, so that will make it that much more fun!  I'll let you know how the show was on Saturday.  From what I hear, it is going to be great!

Next week is PACKED!  Seriously crazy, at least the end of it.  Mother-Son bowling kicks it off.  I really LOVE Mother-Son bowling night.  Any excuse to spend a night hanging out with my boys is at the top of my list.  Though I may invite my brother as Archer REALLY wants to do some kilt bowling, but doesn't want to do it alone. 

The next night Archer leaves for a Boy Scout campout, in the snow.  Brrrrrr!  It's also the Father-Daughter Dance!  Oh.My.Goodness.  I LOVE the Father-Daughter dance.  It's Princess's first one!  She is so excited.  As it is Princess's first dance, one of my brother-in-law's is going to go as Angel's date.  Angel is quite happy about this.  I bought the girls some really pretty dresses back in November or December.  They get all dressed up, hair, make-up (just a tad), the works.  Then they're going out to dinner at a local Mexican restaurant which Angel picked out.  Then they head to the school.  It is amazing I tell you!  Spotlights, red carpet, pictures, horse drawn carriage rides, food from the Melting Pot, and dancing.  I always do the red carpet pictures and I just love it.  The looks on the girls faces is PRICELESS!  The dads/grandpas/uncles/male relative of somesort always look so proud and happy to be there.  Honestly I look forward to it all year!

Then comes Saturday.  In the morning is our Destination Imagination Instant Challenge Day.  It's a day for the kids teams to have a chance to do some instant challenges and get feedback from the judges.  Essentially a practice competition.  Of course Archer will miss this as he'll be camping, but my team will still be there, as will my other 3 kids teams.  It should be interesting!

Then Saturday night....Monster Jam!  What a way to end the week right?  Big trucks, jumps, bumps, noise, and pure adreniline!  It should be a blast!  Can't wait.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

That Dreaded Age

Archer is hitting that stage of life dreaded by all parents.....puberty.  He even referred to himself as a "tween" today.  I keep hearing that he is going to turn into a monster.  That he'll hit a complete 180 and stop being the sweet, caring, loving boy that he is.  Please say it isn't true!  Having been there, I know that puberty does mess a kid up to a point.  Major life changes always has an impact.  I just don't think that it has to completely change who a person is.  Fundamentally Archer has always been the same kid.  Since the day he was born he was that sweet, kind, lovable little boy who loves books and running.  I honestly don't know what I'd do if he lost that, even for a time. 

I talked to my mom about this the other day.  She is in the one I turn to whenever I'm just not sure, she is my rock.  She said that my siblings and I (all 7 of us) had our moments, but that none of us changed majorly from who we were before.  Hope!  I am going to cling to my mom's words, as they are not what I seem to hear from most everyone else. 

So here's to the next stage of life.  That dreaded age.  The tween/teenage years.  Honestly I'm looking forward to it.  I know that there will be those days where I'm not going to love it, but we'll get through it like we do everything else...together. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just Say No

No is a word I need to add to my vocabulary.  I know the word, I have used it, but I don't utelize it often enough.  I don't feel like I am a major people pleaser, but I think that in real life I actually might be.  I can't seem to tell people no!  Honestly I am getting so overwhelmed with everything that I have going on right now.  I can feel myself slipping towards depression.  I don't want to let anyone down, yet I don't feel like I can do it all either.  I have so many things that I need to get done right now - for my family, my church, the kids school - and I am afraid I'm not going to be able to get them done.  I know that I can; I have the capability.  I just feel like my plate is overflowing and there is nothing to stop the flow. 

The first step might just be to learn to say no.  No I can't do anything more.  If I do though I tend to start feeling guilty, I'm capable of helping and so I should.  Right?  I'm beginning to think that attitude is incorrect.  Not if that leads to my being so overwhelmed that I just want to shut down.  So here I sit, late at night, with things that need to be done NOW and I just can't do them.  Part of it might be a lingering effect from the concussion I got a couple weeks ago.  My head still really hurts and I'm having trouble focusing.  That really doesn't help anything at all.  Then there is that pesky thing called depression.  Ever since my 5th miscarriage I've suffered from depression off and on.  It was really bad for almost 2 years.  The past year or so I've really been able to overcome it for the most part.  It just tends to sneak in every now and then.

So what to do.... 
  • First step is I need to sit down and make a list.  Partially because I really like lists, but partially because I really am having trouble keeping track of things at the moment and I don't want to forget anything. 
  • Second step is to prioritize. 
  • Third step is to stop being so indicisive about everything.  Stop laughing, I really can make up my mind about stuff...sometimes.  Okay, usually as long as it's not where to go out to eat, what to eat, what movie to go see.....ummmm yeah.  
  • Fourth, I need to start up my workout routine again.  I worry about that though with my head still being off.  Is it even safe?  I'll have to look into that.  I know that it would help me feel better about myself. 
  • Fifth step is to work on saying no more often.  In a kind, loving way of course.  Sheesh, I'm such a people pleaser!  lol  That's not a bad thing though right? 
So until I learn to say no I will continue to strive to do my best, to meet my obligations, and to keep my spirits in check.  Thankfully I have an amazing husband, four fantastic children, and some pretty fabulous friends that help keep me on an even keel.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Phineas and Ferb Activities

Disney's Phineas and Ferb: The Best LIVE Tour Ever! will be here next week!  In an earlier post I promised some fun ideas to get your family moving and excited for the show.  So as promised......

Musical Monday:
Make up a dance to your favorite Phineas and Ferb song!  Some of my families favorite songs are "Gitchee Gitchee Goo", "Squirrels in My Pants", "Ain't Got Rhythm", Perry's theme song, "Busted", and "Those Boys are Evil".  Of course, you can always choose your own favorite, there are so many to choose from. 

Trial-and-Error Tuesday:
Phineas and Ferb are always building elaborate projects as part of their adventures and they love to create and design new things.  Now it's your turn to come up with an invention or idea to help you with your adventures!  Draw a new innovation of your own, or, create an invention that can help you with your adventures.  OR.....Dr. Doofenshmirtz is always inventing some type of "inator" to do evil.  If you could invent an "inator" to do good - what would you invent?

Secret Agent Wednesday:
Design your own Perry or Agent P.  You can sketch him, you can build him, you can get really creative with things you find around your house - an egg carton, a juice box, a stool.  The sky is the limit!

Thinking Thursday:
Now it's time to enjoy some Phineas and Ferb fun while exercising your thinking muscles!  Use the activityy sheet below to start.  After your done see if you can creat your own word search, word scramble, or maze to share with your friends.

Friends and Family Friday:
Phineas and Ferb are step-brothers and friends.  What makes your family special?  Spend some time writing about your family and friends today!

I'm going to do these with my kids starting tonight.  I hope that you have fun doing them with your families too!
If you are interested in going to the show and haven't gotten tickets yet, remember to use the code FFAPF to save $3 on tickets to the Friday, February 3rd show (valid Friday only; excludes VIP and stage-side seating).

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Alex Boye

Today I had the opportunity to go to "Strength of Youth" with Archer.  S.O.Y. is something our church does once a year for the 12-18 year olds.  They bring in a speaker, have dinner, and the 14-18 year olds stay for a dance.  This year was Alex Boye.  He is AMAZING!  He started off with a song and then spoke for about an hour.  The time flew by!  He is such a great speaker.  He is funny, his smile is infectious, he is self depreciating, and he is very inspirational.  I really hope the youth that were there tonight really listened to what he had to say, as it was important. 

Some of the points that he touched on were:
  • How important words are.  That you need to watch what you say and what you think. 
  • That a song is a prayer, so is the music you listen to a prayer to God or to Satan?  He suggested the youth print the words to their favorite songs and if they can't read them in church, they shouldn't be listening to it. 
  • He talked about no matter how bad things get, how hopeless it might seem that Christ knows and understands.  He went through worse and never complained.
  • Scriptures and cell phones.  How often do you look at your cell phone every day?  How often do you open your scriptures every day?  We carry our cell phones with us everywhere, but what about the scriptures?  The scriptures are our life line.  No matter how many times we read them, we haven't really read them.  We will ALWAYS learn something new and different.  We can read them every day for our whole lives and still have them be applicable. 
I have to give props to Alex Boye's pianist - Mr Smith.  He did a fabulous job.  He added a sound track to different parts of the talk and did it effortlessly.  He just sat and played.  No music, just feeling.  I could feel his joy in playing that piano.  So hats off to you Mr. Smith.

I do have video of Alex Boye's final performance tonight, but it's still on my phone.  So in the meantime, here is Alex Boye, Jon Schmidt, and Steven Nelson Sharp in the Piano Guys version of Coldplay's Paradise (Peponi).  Enjoy!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's That Time of Year Again....

Definitely that time of year again.  Science fair time!  Time to find study materials, help the kids with experiments, and put together boards.  My kids LOVE the science fair.  Have to admit, I love it too.  My husband, not quite so much.  He loves science, just not the time that it takes.  Poor guy. 

Archer's project is "Does cola remove stains?".  Angel's project is "How does the moon effect the tides?".  Picasso's project is "How does a solar eclipse happen?".  And last, but not least, Princess's project is on "What makes a volcano erupt?".  I know a lot of people use books when it comes to helping their kids pick out their projects.  I've always made my kids come up with a project on their own.  It's always something random and fun.  One of the coolest projects we've done was last year Picasso did "How does the heart pump blood through the body?".  Now that was an awesome science fair project! 

At this point the kids have their projects, their hypothesis, and have done their studying.  So this weekend we will be experiment time!  I love the experiments, so much fun.  Of course I mainly just take pictures as the kids do it, but it is still so much fun for me.  I love watching my kids learn.  I'm grateful that our school does a science fair.  They not only do a science fair, but they do it well! 

Good luck kids!  I hope your projects turn out as well as you want and that you do great during the judging. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monster Jam

I have to say that I honestly never thought that Monster Jam is something that I'd enjoy.  Big trucks, lots of noise?  Not necessarily my thing.  Last year I took my boys to see Monster Jam and was a bit trepidatious about it.  We got there and purchased some ear plugs for the boys (they were $1 a pack) and we headed in.  I have to say the noise level is what I expected, but I ended up having a lot more fun than expected!  We were sitting fairly close to where they parked the trucks between runs and it was really cool to see them up close like that.  Then they started their runs and watching them do their jumps was very heart pounding cool.  By the end of the event we were all cheering along.  The boys had picked out their favorites and we all greatly enjoyed ourselves. 

The world's premier monster truck series, Monster Jam is affordably priced for the whole family with seats starting at $10 for kids and $20 for adults.  Playing Pepsi Center February 11 and 12 with three performances by popular demand!  Save $4 on Adult tickets to the Saturday, Feb 11th 7:30pm show by entering the code: FFAMJ at Tickethorse.

We are looking forward to going to the event again this year!  The girls are coming with us and they can't wait.
$20, $25, $35 Gold Circle, $50 Front Row
  • Service charges, facility and handling fees will apply.
  • All tickets are $2 more Day of Show - buy early to save $2 per ticket.
  • Saturday, Febraury 11 - 7:30 pm
  • Sunday, February 12 - 1:00 pm
  • Sunday, Febraury 12 - 6:30 pm
PARTY IN THE PITS: Sunday Febraury 12, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm



Last Monday evening I got a nice whack in the side of my head and got a concussion.  Let's just say I'd rather not get one again!  I've had them before, but this one really messed with my head in a not so good way.  I don't know if it's just I'm getting older or that I've been hit up the head one too many times.  I'm feeling (mostly) better though, yay!  So I'll be back to posting more.

Monday, January 9, 2012

What To Get?

My brother-in-law had a birthday at the end of November.  Actually quite a few family members had birthdays at the end of November, but that is besides the point.  My husband has been trying to figure out what to get him ever since then.  Then it hit him....Phineas and Ferb!  My brother-in-law loves Phineas and Ferb.  He comes over every couple of weeks to catch up on it since we DVR them.  Since we are taking our kids to see Phineas and Ferb the Best Live Show Ever we decided to buy him a ticket too.  The show is less than a month away and we are all pretty excited about it.  Even better, there are NEW episodes of Phineas and Ferb this week!  If you are planning on attending the show I'd suggest purchasing your tickets soon and use coupon code FFAPF to save $3 on opening night tickets (some exclusions apply).

Next week I'll be posting some fun ideas to do with your family to get ready for the show!  Until then I leave you with this for your enjoyment.....

Funny Things

My kids say the funniest things; all the time.  They make me laugh, smile, and roll my eyes at the absurdity of it on a regular basis.  I absolutely adore my kids and I love their sense of humor!

After church today I took a nap, I was just exhausted.  I woke up to Princess grinning at me.  She climbed under the covers and just started giggling.  She started to tell me what they had been doing while I was sleeping.  I missed part of what she said, as she was talking so fast, but what I caught was "I don't want to go to a PARTY, I want to go POTTY".  What the heck?  Turns out during their playing she told the boys she needed to go potty and they thought she had said party.  They do sound similar.  What a way to wake up! 

A couple weeks ago Angel told me that when I hiccuped it sounded like a sick hyena.  Ummmm....okay.  I wasn't sure if I should be offended or not!  Where do they come up with this stuff?

Yesterday Archer and Picasso were cleaning their bedroom.  I stuck my head in and gave them some directions.  When I was leaving their room I told them "I love you", in a slightly silly voice.  Archer and Picasso both holler "I love you!" back.  Archer says "I love you MOST", to which Picasso replies "I love you LEAST".  Thanks kiddo, I love you too.  I really, really love them.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Today Archer played in his first Young Men's basketball game!  For those who don't know Young Men's is the 12 - 18 year old boy program in our church.  Today was the first game of their season and he was SO excited that he was going to get to play.  He looked very little standing out on the court with all the older boys (most of them high school age).  He did really well!  He didn't play a whole lot, but they did put him out on the court for close to 10 minutes (out of 40).  He did a good job trying to guard the boys that towered over him, he dribbled, he passed, he bounce passed, he did great.  I was proud of him for getting out there and doing his best.  He didn't get anywhere near the basket, but I don't blame him for not trying as he might have gotten trampled.  I'm one proud mom today.  Oh and his team won, 61 - 48.  Go Archer!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

It's the start of a new year and I'm not sure how I feel about that.  I've been feeling a little melancholy today.  The kids are getting ready to go back to school and our schedules are going to get crazy.  I think I've just really enjoyed this winter break!  These past two weeks have been a wonderful end to this past year.  I just really LOVE spending time with my husband and kids!

Looking back at 2011 it was overall a really great year!  My baby sister graduated from high school.  The kids and I had a great road trip to go celebrate with her.  My kids are all in elementary school this year.  Archer for the last year and Princess for the first year.  I've enjoyed working with Feld as an FFA.  I was able to take photographs for many families and help preserve some memories. 
My sister graduating from high school!

Garden of the Gods

Archer with a bow in the red/green hat.


Looking forward to 2012.  It started off great.  Since Archer turned 12 the last week of December on January 1, 2012 Archer received the priesthood.  In our church boys receive the Aaronic Priesthood when they are 12.  He is getting so grown up!  That evening we had our families over for a family birthday dinner.  It was just a wonderful night.  We spent time talking, laughing, eating, and celebrating Archer.  Seriously a very good start to the year! 

This year I am looking forward to:
  • Destination Imagination (all 4 kids are on teams and I'm coaching Archer's)
  • Father/Daughter Dance (Princess's first!  One of the uncles is going as Angel's date.)
  • Mother/Son Bowling (Girls get a dance with dad, boys get bowling with mom.)
  • My sweet husband and I will celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary.
  • Continuing volunteering at the school in the classrooms and with the PTO.
  • Family reunion!
  • A new niece or nephew being born in June.
  • Picasso getting baptized.  (In our church we baptize at 8 years old.)
  • A new school year.  (Little freaked out about middle school!)
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas
  • All the little moments that just melt your heart.
2012 WILL be a great year!  I am sure of it.  That doesn't mean that there won't be ups and downs.  There will always be those.  However, we don't have to let those moments define us.  The moments that define us should be the good, not the bad. 

So here is to a wonderful 2012!