Saturday, August 25, 2012

R.I.P Neil Armstrong

Today the world lost an inspirational man.  He may not have inspired all, but he inspired many.  Among those that he has inspired are my children, especially my boys.  They have learned a lot from Neil Armstrong.

They learned that being a Boy Scout, and an Eagle Scout, is something that is important.  It is something that they can attain, just like their father did.

They learned that if you really want to do something you have to work hard and study hard to get it.  Nothing comes easy in life.  Neil Armstrong studied hard and became a pilot at the age of 16.

They learned that dreams can come true.  Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot upon the moon, something that up until then was thought to be unthinkable.  That "one small step" matters a lot.

They learned the importance of modesty in your accomplishments.  Even though Neil Armstrong is a name that is known across the world, he was not a man who sought attention.  In fact he actively stayed out of the lime light.  His focus was on his family, his friends, and his work.  He could have let his achievement go to his head, but he chose to continue living as he had.

They learned the importance of standing up for the things they believe in.  Even though Neil Armstrong shied from publicity he made a rare public appearance when NASA's Constellation program was cancelled. 

My boys have learned many things from Mr. Armstrong, but foremost they have learned to reach for the stars.  To push themselves to fulfill their full potential.
That it is not to say that these lessons have not been learned elsewhere along the way, as they have.  They have been learned repeatedly and through different sources.  Neil Armstrong was just one of my children's teachers.  He was a teacher of many things to them, even though he did not know them.  I am grateful to this man, this legend, for the example he has been to my children.  I am grateful for his contributions to the space program.  I am grateful to his family for sharing him with the world. 

The Eagle has landed, rest in peace Neil Armstrong, rest in peace.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Loss and Grieving

My brother-in-law and his wife just lost a baby to miscarriage recently.  My heart goes out to them and breaks for them.  It has brought back so many emotions for me this past week.  All the talk of miscarriage has brought to the forefront the memories of my losses.  The memories are still all too fresh and clear to me even though it has been a couple years since my last.  My brother-in-law and his wife decided to bury the fetus yesterday.  My sweet husband took the morning off and went to the burial so I could stay home.  I know I should have gone to be a support, but emotionally I know I could not have handled it.  I've been depressed and crying so much this past week as it is.  Part of that is for their loss and part for mine.  Miscarriage just sucks.  No matter how you look at it or how far along you were it is never fun.  It is  always heart wrenching.  I am sure I will always mourn those babies that did not make it.  However I will forever be grateful for the ones who did make it.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fan Girl Geek Out

I have to let my inner geek out be honest it is never really hidden.  I am SO very excited that Christopher Eccleston is going to be in Thor: The Dark World!!!  Phew, did not know if I could hold that in any longer.  To be honest, again, I have not really been holding it in.  I have been telling everyone!  I get a lot of, who?  Who is Christopher Eccleston?  Poor, poor people who do not know who this amazing actor is!  I was first introduced to him as the Ninth incarnation of the Doctor in Doctor Who.  I will not lapse into a commentary of Doctor Who at this point of time.  Nor will I tell you why I believe the Ninth incarnation was the best of the current three.  That may come at a later date.  I have since enjoyed more of his work outside of Doctor Who.  He really brings a depth to a character and I cannot wait to see him play Malekith.  I was looking forward to the next movie in this Marvel franchise anyways, but the inclusion of Mr Eccleston brings that excitement to another level. For those who do not know Malekith is the ruler of the Dark Elves of Svartalfheim, one of the nine worlds of Asgard.  

So there you have it, my geek out moment of the day. It is early though so I may have more, but you will not be exposed to those.  :)

Seriously he not perfect to play the part?  The looks alone!  Next November will be here before you know it!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Saying Goodbye

Last Friday I attended a funeral for a beautiful woman, Rebecca Wingo.  She was one of those people who was beautiful not just on the outside, but on the inside.  Her smile would light up a room and she was a self-proclaimed hugger. 

I left early for the funeral so that I could pick up a couple hams that had been donated by the Honey Baked Ham Company.  I found where we were to set up food and met one of the other ladies bringing food coming in.  We got a ham ready to be served and went out to wait for the others bringing food.  While we were waiting I was asked if I would let people know they could have a t-shirt.  Rebecca's favorite color was purple and there were purple t-shirts with a beautiful RW logo and her picture on the back.  So I spent the next hour and a half greeting mourners, handing out t-shirts and memorial cards, and letting them know where to find the food.  I did not know many of those who I greeted, but we all knew Rebecca.  I received many hugs.  I shared tears and smiles.  I was thankful to be able to help out in that small way. 

Once the funeral was ready to begin I slipped inside the doors.  It as standing room only and so I waited in the foyer.  When a member of the Air Force honor guard played taps as others from the honor guard handed folded flags to Rebecca's daughters and her mother it really hit home.  I was going to sit on a sofa in the foyer, but another friend found me and took me back to the room where my MLM friends were.  For those who do not know, MLM was a mom's website which was shut down last year.  While it was up I met many amazing women who I call friends, those friends included Rebecca. We had the funeral piped into the room we were in, but mainly spent our time remembering Rebecca in our own way.  We shared memories of her, we smiled and we laughed.  We felt that was how she would have wanted to remember her.  At the end of the funeral purple and silver balloons were released and swirled off into the distance.  We fed many more people, received many more hugs, we said good-bye one last time to Rebecca.  At the end of the night we packed up all the leftover food which had been donated and it was taken to feed Rebecca's family for the next few nights. 

At the end of the night I was one of the last few people to leave the funeral home.  I was exhausted, both physically and mentally.  However, I was also comforted and uplifted.  I am glad that I went to pay my last respects to Rebecca.  I am glad that I was able to help in my small way.  I am glad that I was able to know Rebecca.

Her Smile
Though her smile is gone forever,
And her hand I cannot touch,
I still have so many memories,
Of the one I loved so much.
Her memory is my keepsake,
with which I'll never part.
God has her in his keeping,
I have her in my heart.
Sadly missed,
but never forgotten.

For those who may want to help out Rebecca's daughters, their father has asked for all donations to go to the girls 529 fund that he and Rebecca set up before her death. 
‎529 Fund for the Wingo Girls - checks must be made payable to Nebraska Educational Savings Trust. In the memo line, include the account number

Nebraska Educational Savings Trust
NEST Advisor College Savings Plan
P.O. Box 30277
Omaha, NE 68103-1377

Account Number: 748788940-01 only checks please or Paypal acct 529 for Wingo Girls.