Monday, August 5, 2013


Spiders.  They are creepy and crawly.  When they are outside they don't bother me at all.  Be free little spiders!  Go play, have fun, catch tasty bugs.  Just stay out of my house!  Even in my house there are times that they don't bother me.  I will catch and release, no problem.  Bye, bye little spider.  However, when said spider is in my bedroom then we have a problem.  A yelling at the hubby to wake him up to kill it problem.  Leaving the bathroom in the middle of the night to find a spider between myself and my bed?  Not cool.  Doesn't matter if it is a small spider, that sucker is between me and my bed!  A couple of nights ago we were getting ready for bed and just had the flashlight on my phone on for light.  I saw what looked like a dark smudge near the ceiling.  "Is that a spider?", I asked my sweetheart.  He goes to take a look as I shine the light in that direction.  It was a spider.  Not just a spider, but a SPIDER!  A BIG spider, not a little spider.  This thing was over two inches in diameter!  In my bedroom.  Just feet from my bed.  At this point we are way past not cool and into "Houston we have a big frickin problem" range.  As I covered my head with the sheet, and still aiming the light towards the spider, my sweetheart calmly smashed that sucker with a shoe.  Then he makes the decision to throw the spider in the trash right next to my head!  He would tell you the trash can is next to the bed, not my head, but he would be wrong.  The trash can is too close to my head to have a BIG spider in it, whether that sucker is living or not.  Since he loves me, my sweetheart took the trash out at one in the morning.  Love that man!  The spider, not so much.

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