Wednesday, September 14, 2011

School Fundraisers

The bane of many parents existance would be school fundraisers.  The kids come home all amped up and excited about the prizes they can win.  The parents cringe at having to help their kids sell, or worse buying it all themselves, whatever is in the catalog.  Then there are the parents who just toss it in the trash. 

I'll be honest, funraising catalogs aren't my favorite thing in the world.  However, I understand and know why they do it.  Our fundraiser will bring approximately $50,000 in for our school.  That is a LOT of money!  Our PTO funds a lot of stuff at my childrens school.  Stuff that I want kept at the school.  Things like keeping a complete specials rotation of p.e., music, art, technology AND science (when many schools are cutting these).  Things like EA's (Educational Assistants), grants to the teachers, teacher training, most of the technology in the classrooms.  Those are things that help MY kids have a better education.  So when that pesky fundraising catalog comes home, like it did today, I might cringe a little; at the end of the day though it's about helping provide the best education possible for my kids.

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